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Getting injured can be frustrating!

Massage, Osteopathy

It can feel like there is nothing worse than getting injured when you are in a good place with your own training and exercise. It feels like weeks and maybe months of training and hard work will be wasted while you take time off to recover. However, the reality is this doesn’t have to be […]

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Recover faster!

Massage, Osteopathy

Discover the source of your pain Most patients who consult me are doing so because they are in pain and are often surprised when the pain is not originating from where they thought it was. The analogy I use is a leaking roof – the water has often tracked in various directions, a distance from […]

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When is hypermobility a stretch too far?

General, Osteopathy

As an Osteopath I often see patients whose hypermobility is contributing to their symptoms. Joint hypermobility is when you have very flexible joints that move beyond their ‘normal’ range. It is said up to 1 in 4 people in the UK* are hypermobile and this can be anything from asymptomatic and advantageous in the person’s […]

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General, Osteopathy

What is Arthritis? Arthritis is a term that refers to a number of conditions that cause pain within the joints in our body. For this article I will be talking about the most common type of arthritis, osteoarthritis or OA. When people say they have arthritis they are often referring to osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a […]

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Take positive action this winter!

General, Osteopathy

As an Osteopath, one of my key aims is to help my patients achieve and maintain good bone health. During the Spring and Summer months, we spend more time outside, taking advantage of the free supply of vitamin D from the sun and are generally more motivated to exercise. However, for most, it is a […]

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